Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate :
- Flats, Houses – residential or commercial. Buying and selling
- Details will be published on the home page under ‘sponsored links’
- Links to external websites is purely on prior approval basis.
Detail Required:
- Text of the advertisement. (scanned image of the brochure can be sent)
- Name and photographs.
- Landline/ Mobile / emails (if required)
- Real Estate - 4 Days 1 Photo - Rs. 1000
- Real Estate - 4 Days 2 Photos - Rs. 1200
- Real Estate - 7 Days 2 Photos - Rs. 2500
- Real Estate - 7 Days 3 Photos - Rs. 2600
- Real Estate - 1 Day 4 Photos - Rs. 300
- Real Estate - 1 Day 5 Photos - Rs. 400