About Us
Welcome to SezariWorld.com

Welcome to SezariWorld.com
The Secular Citizen and Divo group is happy to introduce you to our globally accessible virtual home,
SezariWorld.com is a community based website portal representing news, events and views from the coastal region of western India.
With its main base in Mumbai, and networks all over the world, SezariWorld.com will bring you updates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is a progressive community website portal, the only one of its kind based in Mumbai.
We have incorporated several popular sections on this site to bring you regular, continuous updates and keep you abreast of major happenings and latest developments here in Mumbai, other states in India, as well as the rest of the world. We also aim to promote community talents at a local, national and international level.
We have created a dynamic interactive website and you are invited to post your comments and views on any or every piece of information published here.
Finally we welcome your views, comments and suggestions to improve this site to enable us to make it much more enjoyable and user friendly.
Please do keep visiting us on a regular basis to keep in touch with your community and your sezaris.
Very sincerely

Lawrence Coelho

Lawrence Alvares
(Navin Kulshekar)

Susan Coelho

S. Lobo