Hall-of-Fame (2)
Special Feature On
Mr. Raphael Sequeira of "Reliable Group"
Mr. Raphael Sequeira, a talented businessman who made a mark in the field of Garments and Exports, now he entered in providing business spaces for offices and establishments in Navi Mumbai with a class infrastructure.
Mr. Raphael heads 'Reliable Group' of companies
“Reliability is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, utmost commitment, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” are the thoughts Raphael Sequeira, Founder Chairman
Reliable Clothing Pvt. Ltd., Creating Life-style has all the manufacturing capabilities in-house and have an equally skilled and talented workforce to transform raw textiles into aesthetic and appealing garments.
Reliable Spaces Pvt. Ltd., : Owns vast properties in Navi Mumbai which include projects like Reliable Tech Park and Reliable Plaza.
Reliable Business Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd., : A management team comprises highly experienced professionals in various IT and ITES for setting operations.
Mission: To be amongst the Top 5 companies in its class of services. Having presence worldwide by setting up over 12 delivery centers. To be the Best Employer by providing equitable opportunity. To deliver the highest quality within the agreed time frame. To be SME in understanding client’s business. To offer world-class cost-effective services by using state-of-art technology and infrastructure