Senior Citizens Felicitated in Kalina


A  noble function of felicitating  nearly   400    senior citizens of Kalina by gifting them  Flower, Shawl  and a good blanket for their regular use.  This programme was attended by more than thousand citizens irrespective of caste creed or  religion as well as poor or rich at  St. Mary’s Junior College  Hall. Kalina were also served cake and simple meals.   This event was organized on the  birthday of Municipal Corporator Alice Johnson Therattil a couple of days back by her well wishers.


1.  Photo 
Shri. Nizamuddin Rayeen,   Spokes person – MRCC, lighting the lamp to his left

Corpotator Mrs. Alice Johnson and right Mr. Johnson Therattil

2.  Photo  cutting  the cake – along with her husband Mr Johnson Therattil & Smt Janet

D’souza    President – MRCC Mahila wing

3.  Photo below  – Rev.  Fr Adrian Ferreira Principal - St. Marys College Kalina felicitating the

Corpotaor with flowers.

4.  Photo top – The most aged among the group a 117 year old senior citizen Mr. Mohammad

Khan    Latif of Kalina Jamblipada is the first one being felicitated on the occasion.