Canara Konkani Association, Borivli AGM


Mumbai, Oct 8: The 5th Annual General Body Meeting of CANARA KONKANI
ASSOCIATION ,BORIVLI was held on 6th October 2011 at 5.30 PM, at
St.Francis Institutes MBA hall. The meeting began with a  prayer led
by Alice Monis.

Secretary read out the minutes of 4th AGM, and Treasuerer presented

the  Accounts statement and Balance Sheet for the year ended 2010 -
2011 which  were approved by the members. ice Chairman George D souza
gave a welcome address.

Chairman Albert W D Souza expressed his happines over the growth of

the association which induced 100 new  members to the association
during the year and raised the funds by successfully organising the
cultural programme. The total membership of the association is 700 he

He also informed that the association has met the  educational needs

of six poor children. New Degree college and Medical college will be
opened by Franciscan brothers from next year which will be benefitted
for the  people from suburbs specially of Borivli, which will have
minority quota. And he urged the members to take the advantage of the


Dr.(Miss) Pamela Correa, a member of the Association was felicitated

for securing MD degree in the month of June 2011.

Guest of Honour Mrs.Flora D Souza, a Social worker and active  member

of Konkan Taram, shared her experience, and gave tips to members of
the Association how to sucessfully  manage the house,Office and the
social activities.

Mr. Godfrey Quadros introduced the 6 children who were given the

support to continue their studies by the association. Children gave a
rose to the Chairman with grattitude for the help given by the

"Turupachyo Tin Rannyo" a Konkani book written by Felix DSouza was

released by Mrs Flora DSouza.

Honourable Chairman Shri Albert D souza,Vice Chairman Shri.George D

Souza Secretary Charles D Cunha, Treasurer Robert Tauro and the chief
guest Mrs. Flora D'Souza were present at the dais.

Mrs. Sunita D'Souza intruduced the guests. Mrs.Lynette noronha

anchored the programme.  360 memebrs were present. A grand buffet
dinner was served to all.

AGM of Canara Konkani Association, Borivli held
News and Pics by Ancy DSouza Paladka